Kill your mommy, fuck your dog I don't care, take a frog God is dead and who are you? You tell lies, you aren't true Watch TV and fall asleep Bono is Hitler, Chirac a creep Life is short so live it fast Try to be good, better, best (CHORUS) Everything for ourselfish and nothing for free That's the way that it is, it always will be! Walking left our take the right Both ways awake a fight Go ahead or come back Don't leave the followed track No end, no light of day Always someone you betray Shake a hand our make a fist Your message will be missed Give a smile or always cry You are wrong until you die Hate the blacks, kill the whites Illusion of the equal rights Women are hookers, men are gay Everybody is wrong, except me I'm your hero, I'm your God Shut up sucker, smoke your pot Kill the world and kill yourself Don't rely on no one else Hit a child, molest a kid No matter what, make it fit You're a bitch and I'm a creep Together we are falling deep I hate your face and you hate mine Our lives ain't worth a dime