Way back in time the white men came and brought them pain In a war for territory, the natives fought in vain invasion by the so called civilized who brought nothing but disgrace The soil of our human race, is now the Forgotten continent Robbed, raped and spit out Forgotten continent Africa, we sold her out Way back in time we took their men and made 'm slaves Ripped their families apart, took their traditions to their grave Without respect my forefathers took for their own need Sucked out their dignity and let 'm bleed Forgotten continent Robbed, raped and spit out Forgotten continent Africa, we sold her out Now back in school our history books they cover up and fail About these crimes done by the ones to which we hail And still, now today, we benefit from unfair trade The consequence of blind silence, we make good cheer with aid Forgotten continent Robbed, raped and spit out Forgotten continent Africa, we sold her out