Candles all over the floor invocation of the bloodthirsty goddess the spell is cast from beyond funeral dogs announce her arrival an ethereal shadow appears behind you honor your engagement you know what you have to do ritual sacrifice, virgin blood in your chalice cut throat, opened chest smell the bitter inner fluids each corpse is a melt of blood, bile, urine and shit parasites have already taken possession of the cadavers like white dancers under the green livid skin pestilential worms feed on the rotting flesh but she needs more she wants them all immaculate vaginas smashed with great blows of a graver your rage increases let your angriness take control how to become a dog start a hard vaginal graver penetration create havoc in their womb it will be the height of the hecatomb satisfied by your human body artwork and your blindly devotion you're allowed to join the pack and now you can bugger her like a beast