my student, you're not right violence is quite insane this lesson will teach you control their goddamn brains you can rule their minds to make satanic things you can make a mom destroy her own son's dreams get incorporated make them creep at all put rage in your eyes like an evil doll when they look again you are no more there make them get confused take them to despair The world damnation Is our biggest fight Is almost time For we rule mankind You'll be my partner I won't get it alone C'mon disciple Let's take it the throne convert them to believe us make them stop to pray make them blindly trust me and then love me day by day let's threat Him at all take away all His believers let's hypnotize an army of fools slayers causing shivers make them swear me loyalty let's pay with the same dime we've been waiting 2000 years it's our payback time hey little devil, are you understanding?? coz soon we'll have advanced lessons and you quickly will become my next prince of darkness Student: but hey teacher Luc I have a lot of questions can I use things like discord, corruption, temptation?? you are pretty right demoniac son coz temptation is one of our powerful guns you can use great cars sex, girls and gold make them feel with power make them feel more bold but you don't have the power you're not ready to you're a little devil make things up to you coz you´re just a student of the devil