The hawk, cunning bird of prey rides the wind to observe his only predator assaulting his domain cables, trucks and pavement left the runaway restless, unsheltered I say fly, head high to the mountain top! avoiding, escaping the city's deadly arms from sightings to sightings, the hunting won't withdraw for the profit of masterdom On earth, seas and land we're all bound to meet its demand As a whale ascends to the surface It grasps a single breath of air a ship legally sacks and packages his realm The last of his entire race, Sure we know, but it's worth the pay I say swim, breathe and dive on the seas around! avoiding, escaping the fishing's deadly arms from sightings to sightings, the hunting won't withdraw for the profits of masterdom Breathing along with nature's perfections a young native meets a world of magicians a promised paradise Left the tribe to work at their command for 5 cents an hour, there's no comfort at hand realized his land has been spoiled and purged, thousand years of knowledge gone On earth, seas and land, we're all bound to meet its demand