The child has come of age now, the newcomer has been forged to deny the income of an alien world the acts where his equal is barely found Rejected for his differences, rejected he tries to shut, shut, shut them down, like a desperate clown. He's lying, he's hiding the source that inspires him retrieving imagination to forget his unexpected role One out of twenty four births, an insurance to disturb habits, behaviors preconceived scenes don't suit him, from outside he perceives the play in all he projects on all He's is a viper, spreading poison waiving his tail for a change in a corrupted World, he's in a quest for unexpected roads One of twenty four, the healer, leader, uniting all you can't deny your words your blood Shaman! YOU CAN'T DENY! [CHORUS] You're the idol, spreading wisdom through your say for a change Weaving through the haze, evolution for all is surely your only way your way?