Hearken unto me Fire on the sea Raise the cry and give the horn a call Countrymen beware Danger's in the air Evil comes, our village will be falling Demons walk the shore Soon there will be more They will ravage all that we can build Dragons sail the tide There's no place to hide Summon kin and gather up the children Sword, axe, staff and horn Nightmares to be borne Families will be torn Fire on the sea! Strike up past the hill Keep on running still Maybe we can lose them in the night Fire in their hand Burns at their command They can kill by throwing bolts of lightning Flashing in the sky Surely we will die We will be ensnared as common cur Bansidhe screams a song Where did we go wrong? Heaven's Father hear our cry for mercy Sword, axe, staff and horn Nightmares to be borne Families will be torn Rope with iron chain No one shall remain Blood, death, grief, and pain Fire on the sea! Fire on the sea!