Out in the wood, there's a band of small Faeries, if you walk unwary at night- They're laughing and drinking, and soon you?ll be thinking, that you'd come to join in their light- If they see you, you know they'll entreat you, to come and join in their small friendly dance- If you do then your soul will go too, you will loose it with no second chance- (chorus) So please come, join, dance in the circle, The voices will make your heart yearn- To please come, join, dance in the circle, But know that you'll never return- They'll promise you gold and silver a-plenty, you'll never be empty of love- Beauty and pleasure, and time at your leisure, all things that you've been dreaming of- Success will be yours, through several doors, what ever you wish, you will find you can do- Beware of this prize, as a curse in disguise, since your mortal life soon will be through- (chorus) (bridge) There is a way, as some folk would say, to save you 'til the dawn- Denounce their kind, from your mind, then you'll find they are gone- Children's tales, pirate sails, unicorns, dragons, sorcerers too, They're man conceived, make believe, you know that they aren't true- And now I must tell, that I'm under their spell, though I know not for how long I've been- And I love a man, though I know that I can never ever go see him again- I went to the king, in his wise faerie-ring, I asked him, "Oh what do you think I should do?" He said, "You'll be fine!", took a large swill of wine, and said, "Why don'cha have him join you?" (chorus) (chorus)