Blood was spilled Invoked religious ire Armed, they took the streets On a killing spree The holy shrine - An empty space within four walls The holy shrine - A man made god that rules us all No God would ever warrant No God would justify The most heinous crime Religious Genocide No God would ever warrant No religion did indite The Slaying of the innocent Religious Genocide The one who wields the power His lust, his greed that grows Exploiting blind faith To watch his empire grow His minions lead the slaughter The blinded fools don’t know While they all die in battle The leader’s safe at home. Suffocate their beliefs Ours is the one true god Words that ring through ‘Hunt them down and kill, kill, kill them all’ The holy land was proclaimed They conquered it by force Tearing down the structure A blasphemous religious horde And so the disease spread Religions went to war Ignorant, pathetic mortals Killing for their god. No God would ever warrant No God would justify The most heinous crime Religious Genocide No God would ever warrant No religion did indite The Slaying of the innocent Religious Genocide The scars that never heal These scars will never heal. Death breeds, hate Death breeds, contempt Death breeds, malice Death breeds, Revenge I seek, I will avenge Don’t believe the empty space Don’t believe the lies they’ve spoke Don’t believe the preachers words Don’t forsake yourself to a counterfeit god