Shawn Pollock Album: Space Heater Intro: E- 00000000000000x Verse: (2x) A- 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00----00-00-00-00-00----00---- E- ------------------------------------------------------------- If it makes you feel better... A- 00-00-00-00-00------0356653 E- ------------------------------- If I screwed up... You are the lie detector Chorus: (3x) A- 00000003----0356653 E- ------------------------ You are the lie detector Intro Bridge: E- 11-00-11-00-11-00-11-00-11-00-11-00-11-00-11-00 What kind of thing... Chorus 3x Intro Chorus 3x Intro Verse Chorus 3x Intro Chorus 3x Intro End: A- 00------- E- ---------- This is an easy song to play, and it sounds really cool. Send comments or corrections to Shawn at *.