My mom said to always expect the worse But to trust my life in God's hands School taught me to never question their authority The only gulp down what they were feeding me Society told me to not love myself Until my body fit into their mold My doctor claimed that meat was good for me And that I should ignore my conscience Subcultures showed me how to be myself As long as I looked like everyone else So at one point I decided to leave everything behind and do my own thing I couldn't live my life after their standards, so I ran Rejecting everything, resisting to be like you My life might not be perfect, but it's mine So I ran with scissors - finding my own way So I run with scissors - finding my own way I might not have the answers, but I can Figure them out on my own Sometimes you have to let go and run Sometimes you have to let go and run So I ran Fuck your norms, to hell with your rules Fuck your schools, to hell with your gods Fuck you for making me feel small Be yourself no matter what Find your own path Run, run, run with scissors, run with scissors Run, run, run with scissors