Dormant Death awaiting, the slumbering Unseen Still a tool of Killing, a murderous machine Moisture hits the surface, awoken once again Virulent Destruction, the killing never ends (now begins) Inhaled and Animated. The spores rejuvenated Your damage orchestrated. Sickness begins Demise by micrometers. Nutrient micro feeders Death spawning micro breeders. Small assassins Unstoppable devourment. The reaper embodiment Respiratory impairment from the toxins How long now, have you to live? How long now, have you to live? How long now, have you to live? Vollum strain, greatly active A corpse now, a rotted husk A corpse now, returned to dust Revert to a dormant state Revert back, revert and wait A corpse now, a rotted husk A corpse now, returned to dust Revert to a dormant state Revert back, revert and wait