Existing like all others do in endless emptyness Eternal slaves of morbid minds, helpless and blind From the cradle to the grave you never had a chance Year by year and day by day you can't escape Deny the system exploiting you Break with the system enslaving you Deny the system controlling you Break down the system, your back's against the wall These tales about a better world, you can't stand those lies They are dealers of oppression controlling mankind You realize you're not the same, away from their truth Your hate is growing fast, fills you with rage Deny the system exploiting you Break with the system enslaving you Deny the system controlling you Break down the system, your back's against the wall Deny the system exploiting you Break with the system enslaving you Deny the system controlling you Break down the system, that makes, that makes you sick Deny this system exploiting you Break with this system enslaving you Deny this system controlling you Break down this system, your back's against the wall