Tom: C C/G': 320010 C C/G' La da da dum dum dum La da da dum C C/G' What do you know? I went and got myself all in a mess, C Get a little invest, you're not gonna mess it up this time. C/G' Here we go, yes is now, I'm melting us together, I'm feeling a little bit crazy, I'm thinking that maybe C I could blow your mind, C C/G' If that's all right. -- Chorus -- C C/G' I'd love to take you away from here, Am F Hold on and magically disappear, it's all the rush from the inside out, G C C/G' A feeling I couldn't breathe without. -- -- C C/G' Who would've known that I could ever feel this way? C You're miles away, unless you say I'm with you today, where you are! C/G' I'll meet you oh so very far, so grab your guitar and jump in my car, C Alone and away a ay, yeah. C C/G' That's okay-ay-ay-ay-ay- yeaah -- Chorus --... C C/G' Take all of me, hold on tight. Am This time, I swear that we'll do it right. F E|t's| all the rush from the inside out, --Bridge-- G -- C C/G' Am C/G' F G -- x2 A feeling I couldn't breathe without. -- Chorus --... C C/G' Take all of me, hold on tight. Am This time, I swear that we'll do it right. F It's all the rush from the inside out, G C A feeling I couldn't breathe without. C/G' Am Ohhh, I couldn't breathe without. F G C Ohhh, woah, I couldn't breathe without.