No escape now from the butcher's tango Dancing daggers whisper steely hellos White-suited soldiers on the march to help me Promise relief, but it's already scalped me Who is this terrorist This kamikaze in my brain? The sadist won't give in He cracks the whip and screams my name [Chorus:] Leave me the hell alone Caught in a suffering that won't let go Can't stand this pain Stuck in the twilight zone I've got to fight the devil on my own Please leave me the hell alone Falling deeper down the rabbit's hole now For reprieve, I swear I'd sell my soul now Teeth are grinding, want to smash my skull in Eyes are blinded by a freak incision Who is this terrorist This hijacker inside my brain? A serpent coiled tight With rusty scales of razorblades [Chorus] Bleed me Leave me dry Oh, God, I'd rather die Than live with this sick kiss This waking nightmare life I mutilate myself Distracting from the ache The agony is fierce It's causing me to break I'd run a thousand miles Just running to escape The agony is fierce It's more than I can take Who is this terrorist This nihilist inside my brain? The pirate's mutiny Is savage in its crooked game [Chorus]