Ofra Haza


Ofra Haza

Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
He was born the King Solomon 
He was a wise and had a thousand wives 
He was a righteous and feeling judge 
He was the king and the father of the people 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Two young women came with a child 
Claiming I'm the mother of this child 
He said: Bring me a sword, 
Divide the baby in two 
Oh, in two! 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
The real mother cried: Don't! 
The other one said: Divide! 
Everybody knew who was really true 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
How can the people divide a little child ? 
How can the people divide such a little heart ? 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem 
Jerusalem, Jerusalem