Tom: F From * Sun Mar 9 21:22:37 1997 Date: Sun, 09 Mar 1997 10:50:28 -0800 From: Dave Robertson To: * Cc: * >Transcribed by Ryan Ellis Robertson, Esq. at: * Here's an interesting little tune: First, tune down a full step. Then, tune your low E ( which is now a D) down to an F ( I think). The way I tell is to go to the fourteenth fret; it should be the same as the next string which is now a G. Your next step is to lower the high E sting(which is also now a D) down to a C. I hope you're following me. It isn't that complicated if you actually sit down and do it. It should look like this: C|--------------------0------0-------------------| A|--------------------0------0-------------------| F|-----------------7--0------0-------------------| C|-------------------------7-0-------------------| G|------5--------------------------5--5>7-5------| F|------0----------------------------------------| repeat ('>' means that it's a hammer-on) The "chorus" goes a little like this: C|-------------------------------------------| A|--------5----------0-----------------------| F|--------5----------0-----------------------| C|--------5----------0-----------------------| G|--------7----------2-----------------------| F|--------5----------0-----------------------| And at the end of the chorus, you may want to throw in a slide on the low F up to the 12th fret. C|-------------0------0---------------| A|-------------0------0---------------| F|----------7--0------0---------------| C|-----------------7--0---------------| G|-----5-------------------5--5>7--5--| F|------------------------------------| You may be thinking, "What a mess." But there are some good things here. an interview that he doesn't remember how to play this, so he can't correct me. If I've just confused you here, please write me and I'll try to make more sense of it. If you want, you can keep your guitar in standard tuning, and just tune down the two E strings. Remember, the low 6 string should be equal to the 5 string at the 14th fret, and the high 1 string should be the same as the high 2 string on the 3rd fret. That's how I tune it. I hope that doesn't make things even more confusing. Anyway, have fun with it.