In visions I have seen the forest bathed in fire The smoke rises to block the sky until all light is gone I feel it in my heart, like an ever tightening wire And every night I pray that I am wrong Soft like a lovers touch, the seeds we reap are sowed The scythe swing low to cut crops not grown strong Brother kills brother as we walk this killing road And every night I pray that I am wrong I am no prophet, but I have grieved for Odin's son And I have tread the road to Hel and carved it into song I foresaw the Final Winter and it has begun Still every night I pray that I am wrong Fimbul winter fast approaches Waves of fire cross the land This is the future I have seen Not one penned by poets hand Will you join us, make a stand Though ye know the final score Waves of fire cross the land So you are warned- would you know more? Take warning –would you know more? Take warning…