
Who Do I Kill


Tom: A

Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 01:36:41 -0500
From: * (Torres, Wesley)

                          transcribed by Wesley Torres

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4
|-(2)--------------------------------|    once

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4
|-(2)--------------------------------|    three times

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4



  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

Two times then back to beginning

then after second chorus add

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

Then start over again and include the part after the second chorus.

Then (just guitar)

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

  1        2       3        4          1        2       3        4

Two times

Then the Chorus but instead of the ending from the second and third chorus's
just keep pounding that last E chord at the 7th fret into a fade-out.
       ( o o )   Wesley Torres - *
                  "Duct tape is a lot like the force.  It
   .oooO          has a light side and a dark side and it
   (   )   Oooo.    holds the universe together."
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