Man created God his image Intolerant, sexist, homophobic, violent For centuries false prophets Deceived ignorant people Obsessed with a savior And desperate for answers In the name of God hallowed be Sermon to manipulate and Content to break the heresy Witch hunts and inquisitions Clergy-promoted chaos During the dark ages Thousands of lives taken Free yourself from the chains Break through the walls of creed Belief in fantasy Ignorance is your biggest sin! There is no promised land! No illusionary place They offer you heaven So they can steal this world There is no promised land! No illusionary place Featured in ancient mythology Perpetual to this day After this life you won't be Judged by your deeds After this life you won't be Rewarded for charity Like a light that goes out Emptiness takes space Silent, static, inert Filled in complete nothing Your eyes will close and this is how it ends Your whole body stops and everything will rot Everything Inside you Will rot! Repeat the mantra God bless you Amen Repeat the mantra God bless you Amen You will never see them again! Won't get another chance Live in reality or a fairy tale nonsense You will never see them again! Won't get another chance Live in reality or a fairy tale nonsense There is no promised land!