We are the ones the system forgot In the police truck, suffocated with pepper spray We are the ones who didn't stand a chance Murdered in cold blood with a shot in the head We don't want to be repetitive How many more will die ‘till culprits pay for what they did? Feeling of impunity Life value has become banality Where are the government plans? Why don't they care about us? Is arming the population a solution to public security problems? Lying to your face Lying to your face Lying to your face Lying to your face Shameless! Where are the people who disappeared in dictatorship? Why do your politicians praise torturers as heroes? What kind of scum values death instead life? What kind of abomination supports fascists speeches? Perpetuated chaos Worms came out of their holes Preaching war and terror Cheating people with hate speech Lobotomized, acting like robots Manipulated, green and yellow in their uniforms Hypnotized, obey without hesitation Desperate, for a blessed savior Constantly repeated messages Mass manipulation strategies Distracting people's attention To engage, control and influence Where are the government plans? Why don't they care about us? Is arming the population a solution to public security problems? Lying to your face Lying to your face Lying to your face Lying to your face Shameless!