Hate In The Box

Papercut Kisses

Hate In The Box

Sally's made of paper and string, 
She's a perfect, patchwork plaything. 
I stick my knife into her sometimes, just to hear her scream. 
And it might look like she's hurting 
But I know it just means she loves me. 
Cause sometimes, through her tears, 
I can see her smile. 
Snip, snip, snip, shiny black scissors, 
Glinting so bright on her milk white neck. 
Slitting my lips with papercut kisses, 
Wrenching my heart as I cut through her flesh. 
And every time that I look into her eyes, 
I can't resist, kiss her face, grab a fistfull of paradise. 
And I'll break and break till all that's pretty fades away. 
She's a colorless reflection of me. 
When I look at her all that I can see, 
Is something so much better, 
Is something so much better than me. 
She's a paper white confection, two dimensional perfection. 
She's as pure as I could never be. 
She's a thing of aching beauty. 
She's a perfect audience of one, smiles even as she comes undone. 
Pretty, pretty paper dolly, wanna cut into her body....