Tom: D this song is in heavy demand from freinds and what not so here it is. the tuning is can STANDARD or anything LOWER i think its in C though. my first tab i posted on this site. enjoy, any thoughst or comments or corrections. my email is * x x x x x x x x 3 x x 8 CHORDS: Cm(C5) = 3 A flat = 6 B flat = 8 E flat = 8 5 6 8 6 5 4 6 x INTRO |x| |x| |x| |5| |5| |3| palm muted rythum = V^V V^V x8 then pick slide VERSE Cm(C5) Cm(C5) A flat B flat P |----------------|---------------|-----------------|--------------| A |----------------|---------------| ----------------|--------------| R |----------------|---------------|---------------3-|--------------| T |----------------|---------------| 3-------6-5-3---|-6-5-3--------| |--6-5-3---3-----|--6-5 3---3----|---6-5-3---------|-------6-5-3--| 1 |--------6-------|--------6------|-----------------|--------------| Cm(5) Cm(C5) A flat B flat P |----------------|---------------|-----------------|---------------| A |----------------|---------------|-4-3-------------|---------------| R |-same-as--------|--same-as------|-----5-3---------|---------------| T |--part-one------|--part-one-----|---------6-5-3---|-----3-5-6-----| |----------------|---------------|-----------------|-5-6-------6-5-| 2 |----------------|---------------|-----------------|---------------| BREAK DOWN P|--------------------------------------------P| x | A|--------------------------------------------A| x | R|-----------REST-----------------------------R| 3 | palm mute T|--------------------------------------------T| 3 | this part |--------------------------6--5--3----------- | 5 |figure out timing. 3|--6--5--3---------6--5--3---------6--5--3---4| 5 | During break down play part 3 twice then part four once. Repeat this pattern 4 times. CHORUS Cm(5) A flat B flat E flat B flat C |----------|---------|---------|--------------| H |----------|---------|---------|--------------| O |----------|---------|---------|-----8--------| R |----------|-------6-|-----8---|---8--------8-| |-------5--|-----6---|----8----|-6--------8---| 1 |-----3----|---4-----|--6------|--------6-----| Cm(C5) A flat B flat Gm B flat C |----------|---------|---------|----------| H |----------|---------|---------|----------| O |-same-as--|-same-as-|-same-as-|----------| R | chorus 1 | chorus 1| chorus 1|---5----8-| |----------|---------|---------|--5--- 8--| 2 |----------|---------|---------|-3----6---| Play chorus TWICE in this order Chorus 1---Chorus 2---Chorus 1---chorus 2\ Part afte chorus. Walk on past me never say my name again.. Cm(C5) B flat A flat A flat P |----------|----------|------------|-----------| A |----------|----------|------------|-----------| R |----------|----------|------------|-----------| T |----------|----------|--6-5-3-----|-----3/5/3-| |---6--5-3-|-6--5-3---|--------6-6-|-6-6-------| 4 |----------|----------|------------|-----------|PLAY 4 TIMES |---------------------| |---------------------|on last A flat |-12--10--8-7--10-8-7-|of 4th time |-12--10--8-7--10-8-7-| play this |---------------------|then goes to |---------------------| BREAK DOWN 2 second break down is | x | | x | | 3 | palm muted | 3 | | 5 | rythum is somthinglike this v^v v^v v v v^v^v^v^ v^v v^v r | 5 | REPEAT 8 TIMES the ORDER OF THE SONG!!!! INTRO PART 1 (0:05) PART 2 PART 1 PART 2 BREAK DOWN 1 (0:25) CHORUS 1 (0:51) CHORUS 2 CHORUS 1 (1:01) CHORUS 2 PART 4 (repeated 4 times) (1:11) BREAK DOWN 2 (1:29) PART 4 (repeated 4 times) (1:55) Chorus 1 (2:14) CHORUS 2 CHORUS 1 (2:24) CHORUS 2 CHORUS 1 (2:34) CHORUS 2 CHORUS 1 (2:43) CHORUS 2 END. Please if there are any comments, questions,corrections..praises. plesae contact me. *