Harvey Danger

Meetings With Remarkable Men (show Me The Hero)

Harvey Danger

I had a lovely brunch with Jesus Christ. He said, "two wordsabout inanity: fundamental christianity." the food was very nice.but then He had to go and die for my sins and stick my ass withthe check. "show me a hero and i'll write you a tragedy," (gonear an open window and that'll be the end of me). i bowed beforethe avatar. he said, "the problem's clear to me: you never gotover morrissey." i said "well, right you are!" "it's so muchharder to be underfed than under-understood," he said. i went tosee KIP WINGER! he said, "in my day we knew how to party; bandstoday, c'mon, not hardly." he had a back-up singer (doo doo doodoo). he said, "the metal scene is a disgrace, but i ain't got nodog in that race!" don't despair, your mother loves you. don't beproud because she has to. don't despair, your mother loves you.don't be proud, she gotta.