Says the legend that a long time ago A cursed king had to hide himself His people betrayed him and alone He found out he was So he ran away to far far away He was alone in the dark when A spirit suddenly appeard to him He was afraid for a moment but the spirit Told him he should not be afraid of it So into a beautiful woman it turned She said he could stay hidden in a place Where only the gods could find him And he accept for ruin of his heart Little did he know what was his destiny He was sent to HELL without even know it And when he arrived in the dark place It looked like a forest full of trees Diceased trees and wastelands was everywhere Leaves goind down to the ground reaching the earth A wind that would change anyone's mind before entering it The smell of human flesh burning in the fire Then touched him the hand of an old man screaming for help He was there beside the spirit and then she said one word Wich more sounds like a spell of dammed souls Disapareciera All he have seen untill that moment Like magic dissapeard and became new again Green trees and plants beautifull like in a paradise And birds singing beautifull songs like a fairytale Blue sky up high and green grass She told him he would be safe there And a place to stay he was looking for Calming down day-by-day he was So in the shades of disgrace he felt away for And in the first night of sleep he heard a voice That silent said Sleep now my prey rest in peace in the land of death Fall in the hands of this warm place in the cold night Here you are safe, Here you are in my hands Here you can stay now, Here you stay forever Bound to my will, my fate and my future And you will forever obey mi desires and my calls In the second night of sleep he heard a voice speaking An ancient language he could not understand But he would soon realize it's not mind you use for this language And yes the heart and soul like a language of feelings Used by only the ones with great power He could feel the sadness and despair in the voice of the spirit And it so soon also got in control of his heart Making him fall in total despair and decay with no turning back King of your land I brought you here To hide from your enemies forever But although, you cannot leave As I said first you stay forever here I must ran away from your claws before it's too late (you don't understand) It's already too late, I'm now your queen Make me yours and so does Make yourself mine King of the MEN Seek no escape because my love for you it's real I am yours and in full submission I lend myself to you Gracefull king, rule my world my lord Be my guide star and my guardian of light Search for people to conquer Slaves to be rulled by you And so when the sun set down in that night The moon raised up in the high sky To bless their night full of love With great shinning stars of pride The gods closed another book of legend And the story was told to the angels