Swarming the surface, crawling all over hill and dale An appalling lie of unicoloniality Parasites nurturing, violently feasting on gifts of life Isolated pinions in the machinery Their spirit fuels the fire Vanishing in the smoke and grime Completely consumed in desire Slaves to their own purpose till the end of time Fettered by longings, all products of their greedy minds Procreation's miracle degraded to merely an act of lust Digging and drilling never stop killing while defiling sacred grounds Behold! the blood-smeared face of Gaia Created long aeons ago Made from the dust of the ground Driven by hunger to know Betrayal profound Ever in throes of failure Weakness turned to flesh and blood Chance to be its own saviour They'd rather be done with it for good The chosen kind destined to reign To wisely rule their new domain But the gift of pure free will entailed divine hope once dreamed that - failed Killing among the litter mates Becoming the brothers bane Bearing the bloody blame Mimic remains the same, swallow the pain They're living a life of lies to quench the thirst of industry And even if innocence dies Self imposed oil drenched slavery Setting the sun recovers her wounds with the veil of night As gaia lies in agony, the engines of war set to ignite Will these dark ages finally end in matricide?