Soulless soaring bird of prey with bloodshot human eyes On the prowl for distinct disarray, as its horrible cry rips the sky Feel gorge feast flock To be preying upon the least For the pit-born beast Creep across the waste In manifold ways The creature shifts its shape As night devours day One of many wretched deadly marvels That this hellhole holds We once called home Ruined cities too familiar Among the remnants stalks this one Deceiving disguise For it took the form of man Wrapped in rags he is clad like the reaper His very steps followed by a living black cloud Deeply droning buzzing noises Hellish choir of whispering voices Contorted grin behind the moving shroud Persuasive speech in the feeble's minds Vermin fills the air and their humming words do terrible harm Defiling scourge in human form The wanderer commands the swarm Kneeling in anguish The raided weak When the swarm is done they crouch in shock The spirits reaped from the human For the harvester to feast upon When the fragile are consumed Kept in his body's tomb For the wicked sturdy looms An afterlife-long doom One of many vicious baleful errands for his death cold liege The court of bone Speeding back to his bleak master He bears the black mark of the eboncrown