Back into time to the days of old right the year 1766 Close to a Spanish quarter called Liñares Some say the dead men crawls into town harvesting pain, horror, agony Galloping out from the darkness when the sun goes deep Several citizens from society vanished, gone simply disappeared Taken afar by the knights of the dead army The blacksmith he's gone astray, the carpenter no more lives here No one came back or was saw from that day over here But I say they're under the ground! Hellakin Riders are riding Hellakin Riders are riding again Speed! Speed! Close to the ground the horseman won't see us this way Keep your mouth shut make a prayer with the eyes open wide A glimmer man rides over a black steed his noses expelling the steam of hell Spewing an evil hatred as he cast a spell Reverend's slaughter I'll never forget overwhelmingly alarming When he just headed to stop all this lunacy "I give you the light of the day", screamed the beloved Priest Before his head was chopped off in a single cut I still see it rolling around! Hellakin Riders are riding Hellakin Riders are riding again The man in black is coming back to spew his evil hate Don't pay attention brother when you walk around And probably you'll be the one in his way. Hella! Satan made a vow and entertains us mesmerised Spirits spin enraptured chanting a Sabbath Oh! Hellakins are riding, riding again