Morons are sinking their ship We're on the way to being dead cuz there's a drop off straight ahead We sailed out unprepared, now they expect us all to float These morons are crashing this boat And idiots are breeding like flies These kids can't cross their t's and don't care to dot their I's Stupid people think that they should populate the earth I hope they all have stillbirths And assholes are running this world They herd us up like sheep and write laws for us to keep There's more idiots than assholes, but they'll never overcome Cuz idiots, are too fucking dumb And which word best describes you if you look deep into your soul Maybe your just like me A moron, an idiot, or an asshole Maybe you encompass all three But what's the difference between a moron and an idiot? There's no difference, we're pretty much the same But that should make it easier to define yourself Your probably just a dickhead with no brains And we're morons and idiots and we're assholes We've been fucking up this world since day 1 The assholes call it progress, and the idiots just don't care And the morons are just having fun As we sink this shit down in the sea Well it's ok with me As long as we're all having fun As long as we're all having fun As long as we're all having fun