Give me some of that brain slap Give me some of that monster pop While I watch those Saturday cartoons Roll me up that sticky grass Let me shake that sweet ass We can do it in the matinee round noon Give me some of those comic books In which the cops are crooks Give me some of that ec delinquents Our books with tits and ass A Hollywood satanic mask These are the things that appeal to me And you can shove all your wars and politics They never seem to teach us anything Power and greed aren't the way I get my kicks but to each his own I wish you'd just go home And get fucked Give me some of that vinyl cake Trippin out of the invisible lake Ice cream and then to the record store Get together and play all night Eat pizza then we fight Chard, true, and pot and then we jam some more Campfire on the beach Blowjob in the backseat Don't stop me now I'm having to much fun Make friends apologize Be nice and don't tell lies When they drop the bomb I won't even run And you can shove all your goddamn religion and rules Do to others as they do onto you Intolerance and bigotry are practiced By the fools who cash their stones I wish they'd all go home And get fucked I'm here, I don't care, for I just ignore the likes Of you with your screwed up twisted view I forgot to grow up You grew old and I stayed young I am the kid You prayed I would not become We're here We don't care What for we just ignore The likes of you with your screwed up twisted view We forgot to grow up You grew old and we stay young We are The kids You prayed we would not become Give me some of that rock and roll Give me some of that rock and roll Give me some of that rock and roll Give me some of that rock and roll Give me some of that rock and roll Take the kids on a midnight stroll Cross the bridge into the cemetery Halloween night I can't wait Take the devil on a candy date Get fucked and practice poetry And you can shove all your wars and politics They never seem to teach us anything Power and greed aren't the way I get my kicks But to each his own I wish you'd just go home And you can shove all your goddamn religion and rules Do to others as they do onto you Intolerance and bigotry are practiced by the fools Who cash their stones I wish they'd all go home And get fucked