An invisible float swims in crystal shades Of sophisticated life parades The visionary retro carnage Avoids the tear-soaked fragments of eternity At the break of autumn The leaves of rust disease That lovelorn place A winter's bane to entice my soul to sins Just another magic driven fear Skywards we fly The recreation of eyes Skywards the future with a destructive plan This is the liquid everything Embodiment of wrongs Surface beyond a purple light No guideline in sight There is no hell, there is no heaven There is no God, there is no master You just forgot to trust what you see Therefore to not wake up from your coma Atmospheric cross roads fade to grey Fade to nothing, breathless dawn The smell of suicide Just another nihilistic age to come Skywards we fly The recreation of eyes Skywards the future with a destructive plan This is the liquid everything Embodiment of wrongs Surface beyond a purple light No guideline in sight This is a bleakful happening A flood of disgrace And dreadful nights A shelter to avoid life You can't explain the fever That pulverizes your veins You can't explain the tides That navigate our lives These are the mountains That embody our inborn chaos Skywards we fly The recreation of eyes Skywards the future with a destructive plan This is the liquid everything Embodiment of wrongs Surface beyond a purple light No guideline in sight The liquid everything is here It is everywhere This is a bleakful happening A flood of disgrace And dreadful nights A shelter to avoid life