Sixteen and on the street, begging for some food to eat Where did you go wrong? Yesterday at play, today another runaway Where do you belong? Looking for something else out there, looks like it found you Thought you'd live life without a care instead you live without a clue My life sucks and no one cares, this stupid world isn't fair I'm gonna show you all! You don't care about me, Just wait and you will see I'm gonna be 20 stories tall Looking for something else out there, looks like it found you Thought you'd live life without a care instead you live without a clue I'm gonna be an actress, I'm gonna join a band I'm gonna make it big and have a million fans I don't need you, I don't need anybody Nobody cares, Nobody cares about me I'm only doing this to make some extra dough To get back on my feet then things will start to flow Oh God, Please get him off me, wasn't supposed to be like this Is this how my life ends? Tell me now will I be missed? Looking for something else out there, looks like it found you Thought you'd live life without a care instead you live without a clue Looking for something else out there, looks like it found you Thought you'd live life without a care instead you live without a clue