Looking back to all the things I screwed up in my life and all the times I sat and wished that I could make them right But now I've realized that things were for the best So remember all the good things and try to forget the rest All those stupid things you did are what made you who you are So hang up all of your regrets or you won't get to far You've got to live and learn 'cause we all make mistakes You're living in the past and now it's time to.... Awaken from this slumber This strange spell that you are under In the back of my mind I'll always wonder What If I did things differently Now I'm finally starting to see That's what made me me Looking back to all the things I screwed up in my life and all the times I sat and wished that I could make them right But now I've realized that things were for the best So remember all the good things and try to forget the rest Try to forget the rest (repeat)