Tom: G A5 life is just a par - ty so come as you are dress it up dress it down; C5 D5 don't for-get you gui-tar yeah! A5 just be cou - ra - geous, cause style's con - ta - gious. N.C ev - ry one can rock out like a su - per - star CHORUS A5 C D let's get cra - zy. get up and dance, take a swing, do your thing G5 A5 C it's worth tak-ing a chance let's get cra - zy. yeah kick up your heels D G5 E5 don't miss out time to shout, al - ways keep - ing it real A5 N.C let's get cra - zy. (cra - zy.) A5 our songs, our style our hair, our smile, our laughs. our heart, our grace, our smarts. A5 you see me on the cov - er of a mag - a - zine re - mem - ber C5 D5 things are al - ways dif - f'rent than the way that they seem hah! A5 here's an in - vi-ta-tion to ev-ry na - tion N.C meet me on the dance floor and we'll make the scene CHOURS A5 (la la la la la la la la la la la) C5 D5 oh oh whoa our songs, our style, our hair, our smile, our laughs, our grace, our smarts N.C let's get cra - zy get up and dance take a swing do your thing A5 it's worth tak - ing a chance let's get cra - zy. turn the C D G5 mu - sic up loud now's the time to un - wind lose your - self in E5 A5 C the crowd let's get cra - zy yeah D G5 the fun's just be - gun come on dance ev - ry - one A5 (let's get cra - zy) C here's an in - vi - ta - tion to ev - ry na - tion D G5 E5 oh oh yeah oh oh yeah A5 D cra - zy take a swing do your thing it's G5 A5 worth tak - ing a chance let's get cra - zy yeah just C D kick up your heels don't miss out time to shout al - ways G5 E5 A5 N.C keep - ing it real lets get cra - zy.