Hannah Montana

Straight ahead

Hannah Montana

Arrested in the vills
Rock on he was
Mermaids in World in on
Very full she was

But straight ahead
We've been thought
Is melibeen
Bears and horses
Free extil breing a feel

So fast in the city
Kill be myselfe he was
Remember in nights but alone
an Scare to
Baby, she was

But straight ahead
We've been thought
Is melibeen
Bears and horser
Free exitl breing a feel

And come so what believe
Hold on
My still in the end
Finish finality

I'm scare nowhere
Baby don't i miss you
I miss you
My lonelyness
Been through
All what me and you

But straight ahead
We've been thought
Is melibeen
Bears and horses
Free exit breing a feel(3x)

But straight ahead