Tom: E E Now I've been marr__ied About six months A Only six months you_ see_ B The first three months Was all ok E The last three__s killin'__ me My wife began to hissin' She cut down on her kissin' A And then she failed to shi_ne my shoes B My shirts they came up wrinkled My pants with dirt were sprinkled E And I too__k the first year blues Well then she started naggin' She left the sink a saggin' With dishes piled up high No food upon the table She said if I get able I'd cook something bye__ and bye__ Then I began to wonder If I had made a blunder When I__ said I_ do She must have read my thinkin' Her eyes began to blinkin' And that gal broke in two__ Well I heard the dishes crashin' And I began to dashin' Gettin' out of sight For right there was my honey On who I'd spent my money Turnin' in__ to dy__na_mi__te Then after she'd exploded Her meanness all unloaded And things began to simmer down I found myself a bleedin' And very much a needin' Of stitches taken a__ll around Well then she started cryin' I felt myself a sighin' And then I took her in my arms I was afraid to scold her So I just gently told her She didn't do___ a bi__t of ha__rm Now the first six months is over And I'm much the older And experienced with a__ wife If I can take the next six My friends all say I'll be fixed To take i__t the rest of my__ li__fe