From Jerusalem to Jericho, along that lonely road A certain man was set upon and robbed of all his gold They stripped him and they beat him And they left him there for dead Who was it then that came along And bathed his aching head? Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who! Was this neighbor kind and true? From Jerusalem to Jericho we're traveling every day And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way From Jerusalem to Jericho, a certain priest came by He heard the poor man calling, but he could not heed his cry He drew his robes about him and quickly walked away Who was it then that came along and ministered that day? Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who! Was this neighbor kind and true? From Jerusalem to Jericho we're traveling every day And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way From Jerusalem to Jericho the wounded man did lay Along came then a Samaritan who was despised they say He ministered unto the man and then he took him in He paid his fare and told the host to take good care of him Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who! Was this neighbor kind and true? From Jerusalem to Jericho we're traveling every day And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way From Jerusalem to Jericho, we're traveling every day And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way They seemed despised rejected but no matter what they've been When everyone casts them out then Jesus takes them in Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who! Was this neighbor kind and true? From Jerusalem to Jericho we're traveling every day And many are the fallen ones that lie along the way