Little Bosephus, you're the one, makes me feel good inside Just to know that you're my son makes my heart swell with pride I've always needed one like you to love and understand Now that you've come to fill that place, you're my buddy, man to man There comes a time when every boy grows so cocksure with life So that he feels he knows it all and no longer needs advice The complicated phase of life is called "adolescent age? And sometimes breaks a father's heart---wish you could skip that stage I'd like to help you fill your heart with kindness, faith and truth Protect you from the hands that reach out to destroy manhood and you There is so much sorrow and despair to blight the hearts of men And the more we learn of love and life, the more they come crowding in It's just little things at first, my son, then, as we grow older Our troubles grow much bigger too and sometimes, they overflow The poisoned minds and broken hearts will cause strongest men to weep Overwhelm souls with bitterness and death would be so sweet So we must build a strong defense of love and fortitude On character and knowledge, son, so these ills cannot intrude Ah, Sonny boy, so many things a youngster needs to know If he is to find true happiness as down through this life he goes It's just a father's love, I guess, that comes to every Dad That makes me want to shelter you from things that make you sad Bosephis, boy, I'm standing by to help you when you call For Son, you are my flesh and blood and the grandest pal of all