Tom: A D A A Come listen to my tale 'bout a pretty little girl Dsus2 That I chanced to meet on the prairie D T'was a night in June by the western moon A That I met my charming Mary Her eyes were as bright as the stars that night D When she smiled my heart did bubble E She couldn't make love or turtle dove A But, oh boy, She Could Yodel. Chorus: (Yodel) A D A Oodelaia Oolaio Oloadeolaite E She yodeled a yodel as sweet as it could be A Her heart was as pure as pretty yellow gold D But love meant nothin', she was too cold E A But boy, oh boy, oh boy How She Could Yodel. A Well, I said to myself, you silly little elf Dsus2 I'll win her heart, that's settled D I tried to hiss that pretty little miss A But, oh my, how she battled She called me names made me feel so ashamed D Then she said my fire is nobel E Then she turned me down, didn't want me around A But, oh boy, how she yodeled. Chorus: (Yodel) A Next night on the trail I heard a big wail Dsus2 She changed her mind, felt sorry D Her yodel, you see, was meant for me A And she said, you had me worried I've rode out tonight to make things right D And I hope you will forgive me E When I said, why yes, she took a deep breath A And, oh boy, how she yodeled. Chorus2: (Yodel) A D A Oodelaia Oolaio Oloadeolaite E She yodeled a yodel as sweet as it could be A Her heart was as pure as pretty yellow gold D And it turned to warm from icy cold E A But boy, oh boy, oh boy how she did yodel. A Well, then we got married and what do you think Dsus2 We're as happy as the birds in the treeses D Her love is so true and I'm tellin' you A Her heart no more it freezes In a cradle of pine there's a baby devine D And he never, never grumbles E He's our own little pet and we can't talk yet A But I wish you could hear him yodel. Chorus: (Yodel) A D A Oodelaia Oolaio Oloadeolaite E He yodels a yodel as sweet as it could be A He's our own little pet and we love him, you bet D It don't mean a thing that he can't talk yet E A But he's spendin' his time just learning the way to yodel.