Spoken: Well howdy boys, howdy man Man, it sure seems like a long time since I last rode down this old trail. How ya'all anyhow? Fellas, you see, I still have this old cigar box with me. Yes Sir! And better yet, all the boys out here at the R.K. Ranch are singin' a new song now. Hope you like it because it's my answer to the Blue Velvet Band. It goes like this: Sang: By and old willow tree in the churchyard On the banks of the old Rio Grande Lies a loved one who died broken hearted She was known as the Blue Velvet Band. She was called by the angels up yonder As the dew kissed the pale summer rose As we stood there in silence, dishearted These words to her lover did go. Dear Jack, you mistrusted your darling You said that my love wasn't true You've roamed o'er the wide open spaces But my thoughts, they were always of you. Now, my last wish was once more to see you But they say you're in some foreign land You're forgiveness is in this last message From your heartbroken Blue Velvet Band. Far away o'er the lone western prairie Her message sped fast o'er the way To the side of a bed where her cowboy Was grieving his life fast away. Please grant a last wish boys, And lay me out West on that old Rio Grande 'Neath that old willow tree in the churchyard By my sweetheart, the Blue Velvet Band...