I'm riding one bright evening 'neath the starlit western sky The silver moon down on the sage did shine As I spurred my pony onward, my guitar I softly played To the tune of some coyote's lonely cry Just then my pony halted, his ears up straight did go He trembled as I stepped down by his side With a glance I saw a shadow, on the prairie there did lie A little curly-headed blue eyed boy. O dee ay, dee ay lee, O ay lee O, dee lay ee. Not very far beyond him his little Pinto fell His leg was broke as there in pain he lay And his frightened eyes were blinking as I drew my Forty Four, Do not kill me his kind eyes just seemed to say. "Don't shoot him, sir, I beg you, he is my only pal We've rode the range together day by day My poor father is a drunkard and he turned me from the door; Dear mothers up in heaven far away. O dee ay, dee ay lee, O ay lee O, dee lay ee. She left me one bright morning, with the angels she does dwell, We'll meet upon that other range some day As she kissed my little forehead then a picture she did draw, From a golden locket as I heard her say. "My time has come to leave you, the best of pals must part, Please promise mother always to be true Thro' the long and lonely hours when your little heart's forlorn Remember there's an angel watching you. O dee ay, dee ay lee, O ay lee O, dee lay ee. Just then the little fellow bowed down his weary head And this is all his trembling lips did say Please take care of little Pinto, try and help him to get well I'm now heading for a round-up far away. You'll find on Pinto's bridle, a treasure that is dear Please put it by my heart when I have gone 'Tis a picture of my mother dear, the best pal that I knew, I'm leaving now to meet her far beyond. O dee ay, dee ay lee, O ay lee O, dee lay ee...