Under the castle, at background there are strange human beings Dark faces, and cadaverous bodies, they try, to go away Their movements are very slow, they are, hungry of victims I stay in this place, is it my destiny? Demoniac city, the other side of life Demoniac city, promised land of revenge Every night, at midnight, they shout desperate owls They look for, hate and destruction, I don't, manage to sleep But it will be, I'll try to fight for defence, of the humanity Because a genocide, is hanging over Demoniac city, the other side of life Demoniac city, promised land of revenge I don't go out the people go away, at my sight That God's curse!, for me the life is hanged, at a thin thread But it will be, I'll try to fight for defence, of the humanity My life is at the back, of dark death Demoniac city, the other side of life Demoniac city, promised land of revenge (Repeat)