The clouds broke open and night appeared when injury arose. Nursing death on her scarlet breast she who wears horns and sits on her sons. Hate! shaped scorn, carnal spite and female embrace Whore! dressed in love swallow all my poison and let me behold. War! Voice of diffusing plague Devoured pregnancy Deflowered through the Christ's nails I invoke you extremism. Battle scream Extremism Head to head Massacre of dripping mad See their blinded eyes Sex drives the regnant flames. Slay for pride, fuck with pride. Nursing death on her scarlet breast she who wears horns and sits on her sons. Hate! shaped scorn, carnal spite and female embrace Whore! dressed in love swallow all my poison and let me behold. War! Voice of diffusing plague Devoured pregnancy Deflowered through the Christ's nails I invoke you extremism. Stifled into extremism! Blood calls blood!