Shit motherfucker can you fuckin’ play The fuckin’ sound again? Don´t tell me about things that I don’t want understand Like noise means the same ‘cause silence is golden man My teeth are falling down like an asshole ‘cause nothing can resist! Shit the fuck I’m just a bore man, but I want to say again, fuck And again, and again, and again, fuck Who do you think you are? Can you tell me motherfucker? Shit the fuck what the hell you are? What the hell you are? What the hell you are? How can you decide what kind of shit you are? Hijo de la puta tu non puedes reprimir Lo que quiero hablar, tu non puedes decidir Lo que puedo pensar, lo que quiero pensar Lo que quiero pensar! Ya basta! Toma no cu e deixa essa porra rolar Deixa essa porra rolar Deixa essa porra rolar Infeliz das costa oca Deixa os maluco pular Deixa os maluco pular