Everytime I go to sleep... -- Woke up in the middle of the night screaming on pain Pain of nightmare... Horrifying nightmare... I thought that everything was over Chorus: Dreaming 'bout dying Dreaming 'bout misery 'n' pain Dreaming 'bout everything Dreaming my life away II. Before I woke up.... -- It's nightmare... I hope it's just another nightmare... Nightmare 'bout werewolves an' vampires Horrifying nightmare... Of bleeding to death Chorus: Dreaming 'bout dying Dreaming 'bout misery 'n' pain Dreaming 'bout everything Dreaming my life away solo Bollström & Junttila III. Everyday I've seen... -- I've seen the armageddon I've seen the hell I've seen death spreading upon us -- I want to think this is only true in my dreams but Sometimes it seems to be real in this world