deep-seeded hatred toward what is a mockery of a god compels the blackest souls to assure his demise the purest vengeance swelling from the deepest depths of hell enshrouds this fetid earth just as the moon shall blot out the sun an infernal reverence is the only option for mankind now feast your mortal eyes upon the devastation what was will be and what is will be no more an infernal reverence is the only option for mankind now feast your mortal eyes upon the devastation justice shall reign through the might of fang and claw as it was in the beginning it shall be once again on a mountain of bones you sit on a throne of blood in the castle of suffering hear me, o god of the abyss your power is needed now on this day of consummate darkness now is the era of evil dominate enslave and punish them we summon thee forth to fulfill the prophecy of the age of fire with the very fabric of existence at your fingertips impose your will constrain the tools which do yield defense for mortality and empower me only with the blackest of the black lessons not learned in human blood by man are soon forgotten this is a day of reckoning we summon thee forth to fulfill the prophecy of the age of fire with the very fabric of existence at your fingertips impose your will