as i face the night i find myself grasping toward feelings i thought had passed until we crossed paths now i can't help but imagine your corpse dressed in flowers and thorns i long to see you helpless tortured blood draining on the floor tightly fastened to the table as i feast away at your flesh as you're screaming in horror my darling you're trembling, be calm it won't be much longer, i promise you til this homemade injection makes you numb and poralisys does set in allowing this dismemberment to begin so i may gratify my full spectrum of desire so graceful i carve your skin with this gleaming tool of a doctors precision i excoriate so i may wear this beautiful mask of your face you're drifting away now are your final moments before death the tranquilise droplets of blood dripping on the floor has nearly depleted from you as you lay there watching this unveiling of hidden truth i sever your heart from the gaping chest cavity to obtain as a keep sake as i face the night your pale rigid corpse is spread eagle below me with a cold blank stare my insemination of fulfillment seeps through your still body what a perfect portrayal of euphoria a sadistic example of a depravity so diabolical oh this carnage behold a perpetual fervor to ravage and torture this is pure divinity as close to perfection as i have come i cant help but feel more desire for sanguinary rapture enthralling my loins an urge i require left now are only sections of your former self i feel no remorse or compassion for my vicious actions under the floor boards you go with the others i have adored