Peering out his window into a massive crowd He could see a million faces screaming hate out loud Without a clue or reason he held his sword up high He tried to fight the masses, then laid his head to die To die, oh! Hung above the city like the smoke that fills the air Arms stretched out above us and no one seemed to care His death was planned to save us, but the blind have not yet seen The evil that's around us, the evil that's between And though we cannot see him We know that he's still there Fighting for our freedom To show that he still cares, oh! He's coming back to take us to the promised land He's not gonna stop the pick the lawyers from the bands He knows if we've been waiting paying for our sin And he's the one who will lead us there and God will let us in I'm not saying you should go to church Or listen to the priest Just remember he's still out there He's gone to fight the beast To fight! The Beast!