When the night has fallen When citizens have slept Thats when gems are stolen And no signs are left Dexteritous we are We cannot be hit None of (the) grabby band Of the agile thieves In the sign of gold We cannot resist For sure we won't be caught We're not even seen We enter towns at night By climbing over (their) gates We do what they call crimes But these are only games (chorus #1) We steal, we sneak, we hide We gouge you in the eye Backstabbing with our knives And then we get your lives But then we'll flee away Away from men of law We'll be where we're safe In our guild with (other) thieves and rogues Cos if we're ever caught Unlikely to happen We'll face the hangman's rope Which isn't what we're after (chorus #2) We steal, we sneak, we hide We gouge you in the eye We dodge all your attacks But stab you really hard We pick the lock Of your own home We get your gold But we want more We throw our daggers In your heart And then you scream But we attack! (chorus #3) We steal, we sneak, we hide We gouge you in the eye And when you thing we're dead It was really feign death You'll never find a corpse Of an experienced rogue You'll only find out Your pouch's been emptied out (repeat chorus #1)