Tom: F# Riff 1 E|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------------| A|-----5---5-4---------5---5-4-----| E|-7-7---7-----7-5-7-7---7-----7-5-| Play Riff 1 x2 Riff 2 "At anytime, or anywhere, I disappear..." E|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------------| A|-----5---5-4---------5---5-4-----| E|-7-7---7-----7-5-7-7---7-----7-5-| * * * * * * Play Riff 2 x2 Riff 2a "No one I know can help me..." E|-----------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----3---3---2---2---3---3-2-0-------3---3---2---2---3---3-2-0---| E|-3-3---3---3---3---3---3-------3-5-5---5---5---5---5---5-------3-| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Play Riff 2 x2 "I had it all thrown away, I made my grave..." Riff 2b "My mind lives six feet under, let go so easily..." E|------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----3---3---2---2---3---3-2-0-------3---3---2---2---3------| E|-3-3---3---3---3---3---3-------3-5-5---5---5---5---5---5-3b-| * * * * * * * Riff 3 "I'm not glad to be, I'm not glad to be me..." E|--------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------| G|---------------9------------------9---| D|-9-9-10-9--9-9-9-9--9-9-10-9--9-9-9-9-| A|-7-7-7--7--7-7-7-7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7-7-| E|-7-7-7--7--7-7-7-7--7-7-7--7--7-7-7-7-| Note: Listen to the strumming pattern very carefully in the song. "So why are you so happy..." E|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------| D|-3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-3---5-5-| A|-3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-3-0-5-5-| E|-3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-5-3--3-3-3-0-5-5-| Play Riff 3 x2 Play Riff 2 "All alone, a touch afraid, a renegade..." Play Riff 2a "Proof that I will not let go, feels like I might explode..." Play Riff 2 "I'm better off, better off, on my own..." Play Riff 2b "From this spot I can't fuck up, hide out so I survive..." Play Riff 3 x2"I'm not glad to be, I'm not glad to be me..." Riff 4 "Why is everyone, so happy, I am not well..." E|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|---------------------12/14-----| D|-10-----12-----5-----x--x--x16-| A|-7--x16-10-x16-5-x16-10/12-----| E|-7------10-----5---------------| Note: Laziness has taken hold, the "x16" after the chord means you play the chord 16 times. The strumming is easy enough to figure out on your own. Play Riff 4 x2 Riff 4a "I'm not well, I'm not well..." E|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-14-----12----9----12----7-----9-----| D|-x--x16-x--x8-x-x4-x--x4-x-x16-x-x16-| A|-12-----10----7----10----5-----7-----| E|-------------------------------------| Note: Same as the previous note, but take note of the numbers so you know how many times to strum each chord. The last chord also begins a slight bend after the 8th strum and leads into the next riff. Play Riff 3 x2 "I'm not glad to be, I'm not glad to be me..." Note: The 2nd time through Riff 3, the ending changes to this: E|---------------| B|---------------| G|---------------| D|-5/7-7-7-7\5---| F#|-3/5-5-5-5\3-5-| B|-------------5-| Continue playing Riff 3 twice more with the alternate ending above and note that the strumming pattern changes to constant strumming with no rests. Listen to the song to get the idea. Riff 5 E|----------------------------------| B|----------------------------------| G|----------------------------------| D|-10-10-10-10-10-10--10-9-9-9------| A|-7--7--7--7--7--7---7--7-7-7-0-3b-| E|-7--7--7--7--7--7---7--7-7-7-0-3b-| Play Riff 5 x3 Riff 5a E|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|--------------------------------| D|-10-10-10-10-10-10--10-9-9-9-9\-| A|-7--7--7--7--7--7---7--7-7-7-7\-| E|-7--7--7--7--7--7---7--7-7-7-7\-|